Long Time no see, my friend.

Or... howelse do you wanna call this meet up, right now, right here.

Where have I been? What have I done all of these years?

To be honest, if I look back to the last couple of years, it feels like looking back to a completely different life... even lifes!

Yes, there was this one moment in my life, when I did quit riding motorbikes. From one day to the other, basically. Why would that ever happen? A lot of people that I knew that time, were falling off of there bikes, and there was this voice in my head or simply in time and space some universal guidence, whatever you wanna call it, that just kept saying: STOP THIS. And seriously, there was no doubt about this voice being real or true or even worth listening to. I HAD TO stop. I would have died if I were not willing to listen to this voice. At least, nobody knows, what would have happend... the only thing that I know is, I'm now sitting here, typing these words into my laptop, and... I'm alive.

At around the same time so many aspects of my life were falling apart, leaving me in a deep, dark void. As I know now... good for me! Because all of this left so much room for everyting new that was already heading my way, and boy, there was a ton of good times heading in my direction.

Spain, on the way of the camino de santiago.

India! Yogis heaven...

France... bouldering.

I began to travel. A lot. I saw so many places, people, sunrises and sunsets everywhere. But the best thing about it was, I've got to see myself from totally different perspectives. I learned a lot about who I was and who I wanted to be in the future.

No matter how wild life was, there was always this one thing. This one thing that I knew I could count on, even if I didn't realize it most of the time when doing so. Even if I did without noticing how much it was filling up my heart with peace and joy, happiness... yes, I'm talking about CYCLING. And I'm not even talking about the cycling I did way later, when looking like going for the tour de france win... No, I'm talking about riding, simple riding, feeling this insanely simple machine underneath you working in perfect symbiosys with the rider on top. Gliding and floating over the surface of our planet earth... this is deeply spiritual ish to me! What I didn't know back then... There is no need to chase the latest and greatest in tech to make this experience more intense. Now I'm even convinced that the other way round is the case. The lower the tech, the more fun it is... but that's for another story. For now, just focus on -cycling-.

This is just a thing of pure gratitude, easy accessible, in close connection with nature and my most profound version of inner child healing.

This is what I'm creating here. My cycling story. This is important to me as I've felt it so many times before: Happiness is, when creation is bigger then consumption. At least in my realm. Big part of what makes me feel good is the urge to create. Yes, you heard it before and many wrote about this before me... We are all so crazily exposed to consuming everything, we can't barely do anything about it. The ears, the eyes are constantly overwhelmed and overloaded with impressions. Balance is needed. And balance is to create. This is what this blog is all about. Nothing more, nothing less. Living life is a whole artform itself... I don't wanna dive too deep here. Yes, my life around my art changed. I sold my house, I left my job, I became a yogi, I fell in love, we lived in a van, we lived in asia, we came back, got married, now I'm becoming a dad. Wow. Like I said, don't wanna dive too deep here...

Round here it's all about my prefered forms of creation, that is drawing, photography, writing, wrenching and cycling.

And I wanna let the pictures do the talking. My atelier, where I draw, write, meditate, move, be. And a box of junk. A sneak peek into my newest technical project.



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